I call my efforts to stay healthy "The 150 Project" because, at 5'5" tall and
xx years old, 150 is my goal weight. When I was 40, my ideal weight was 120, at 50 I raised it to 130, at 60 it became 140, and now this Boomer is happy to maintain at 150. Which I haven't done in awhile.
When I was a kid, it was my ill fortune that my first name, "Cheryl", happens to rhyme with the word "barrel". I'll let you figure out the rest of the rhyme. I wasn't that big but was always "heavy set". Add to that a round face and, well . . . you know. Mom used to remind me that, "Sticks and Stones will break your bones, but names will never hurt you". Mom, God love her, clearly did not have a first name that rhymed with "barrel".
I've been a Lifetime Weight Watcher member since I first "made goal" back in the early 1980's. Since then, my weight has fluctuated from 105 (thanks to the "Divorce Diet") to 196 (the Nachos and Margaritas diet). Having recently tried on my
summer clothes (which didn't zip!) , I rejoined Weight Watchers ten days ago. It's my first time on "
Freestyle" and, so far, I really like it, especially the list of "200 No-point Foods".
Weight is such a sensitive issue for most women, me included. I am a well-educated, well-traveled, well-read, confident woman who has met Presidents in the Oval Office, and yet, I'm still afraid to wear a sleeveless dress. I haven't bought a bathing suit in years. I actually dared to try one on in Target a couple of weeks ago and left the dressing room in tears. I'd rather walk over hot coals than put myself through that again.
At one point, I decided to work with a personal trainer. Does it look like I'm having fun here? After a year, I hadn't lost a pound, although I have to admit working out was a big self-confidence builder and I did have a lot more energy. Unfortunately, the kettlebells eventually got the best of me and I ended up injuring my newly toned back. No more of that.

Last week, we received an invitation to a summer party in Kennebunkport. On it were the dreaded words, "Cocktail Attire Suggested". Immediately my heart began to race. I love Kennebunkport, I love parties, I love my friends, but me in a cocktail dress? I can hardly get my mind around the thought. Aren't cocktail dressed usually sleeveless? Form fitting? Slinky? Like bathing suits with longer skirts?
I have two months before I have to commit to "The Dress". So, I've emptied the "carb cupboard" and stocked the frige with lots of healthy foods. I know I can do this. This time, I just wish I could be smart enough to maintain my goal weight once I get there.
I'm lucky to have a supportive DH and the best Weight Watcher leader ever, Mary Elizabeth. I know what to do and I'm determined.
There is only one question left . . .
Hope springs eternal!